Tim Mahoney

Ep 4 | Narrative Improv

Tim Mahoney

Tim Mahoney is an improv coach and teacher at Reno Improv. He would rather be doing improv than almost anything else (who wouldn’t?), so you’ll see that beautiful, bearded face consistently around the improv scene, at conventions, or anything improv-related.  

In this episode we talk narrative improv, secondary characters, Theatre Sports, and much, much, much, much, much more. (Let’s just say, Tim is never at a loss for words and that’s why we love having him on our podcast!).

We also experiment with the 8-step narrative format on which he bases his newest improv group, Ghost’s performance that looks something like this.

Show Notes

In this episode we go deep into the

Tim Mahoney:
Find him @TimMahoneyComedy on Instagram
Teams: Ghost & We Digress @renoimprov 

History – Sam Wasson’s Book “Improv Nation” – Now Available on Amazon for super cheap! 

The Reno Improv – https://renoimprov.com/ Follow them @renoimprov on Instagram and Facebook. They have a show EVERY Saturday at 8PM  (Come early at 6:30 for the Playground – a 1.5 hour workshop exciting for all levels of players.) $5 gets you into BOTH. 

Impro Theatre – see their website at improtheatre.com

San Fransisco Improv Festival – SFimprovfestival.com

Patty Styles: On Facebook @PattiStilesImpro

International Sport Theatre – impro.global



This Episode’s Segments

  • Game : Unassociation Game
  • History: Olivia Spolin
  • Word Of The Day: “Beat”



We are not experts, and do not claim to be. Improv is a craft that you can never master or perfect. Instead, we are improv lovers and students of play talking about our learning experiences. We do not subscribe to or endorse anything said by guests on this show unless specifically expressed. All content on this site is copyrighted to Jesi Wicks and Katie Welsh. 

The 8 Step Narrative Improv Format

The 8 step narrative improv format is a suggested structure of how your scenes can be laid out. Listen to our podcast with Tim Mahoney to learn more, but here is a rough outline of how each of the 8 scenes would unfold:

  1. Once upon a time……there was a girl named Dorinda who always wanted to become a professional hair braider. 
  2. And every day….she would braid her sister’s hair. 
  3. Until one day…. she discovered Supercuts. 
  4. And because of that….she applied for the hair-braider-in-training job at Supercuts
  5. And because of that….she climbed her way up the hair braiding ladder until she became lead hair braider.
  6. And because of that….she became President of National Hair Braiders of America 
  7. Until one day (heading toward a resolution)….there was a hair braiding scandal that became a tangled mess. 
  8. And ever since that day……Dorinda has focused her efforts on becoming a french twist extraordinaire!